ベビーシッター・家事手伝いのマミー東京♪ 武蔵野市 中野区 西東京市

ベビーシッター 世田谷区 杉並区 吉祥寺
ベビーシッター 世田谷区 杉並区 吉祥寺

ベビーシッター 世田谷区 杉並区 吉祥寺

ベビーシッター 世田谷区 杉並区 吉祥寺
お問い合わせフォーム       サイトポリシー

ベビーシッター 世田谷区 杉並区 吉祥寺

ベビーシッター ハウスキープ 東京

ハウスキープについて Too busy to take care of your child and keeping house in order at the same time?

Then our professional housekeepers will provide householding services anytime you wish.

Details of Housekeeping Services
You can order simply housekeeping services, or, together with babysitting services.
For example, our babysitters can clean up and fix meals before they pick up your child.
Then there will be no need of rushing into kitchen after your busy day.
You will have a plenty of time to sit, relax, and talk with your family before having supper.

Housekeeping chores
Please give numbers to the list of housekeeping chores on our application form in order of your priority. Our efficient staff will try to complete as many chores as possible within reserved time.
*Notice: Certain heavy-duty housework (ex. waxing, polishing, garden/car cleaning, etc.) cost extra fees (+500 yen per hour).

Minimum service time:
3 hours of housekeeping service
3 hours of housekeeping & babysitting service (in total)

Basic Services (Housewives' daily chores)
掃除 Room cleaning, kitchen cleaning, bathroom cleaning, toilet cleaning
(vacuuming and dust wiping)
Tyding up
整理 Room tyding-ups
洗濯 Casual clothes laundry (with washing machine)
Hanging, taking down, and holding laundries
調理 Our housekeepers can make your favorite Japanese cuisine!
General home cooking (pre-cooking arrangement, cooking, cleanups)
Lunch and dinner cooking service on the same day is available.
Daily shopping of foods and groceries

Extra services
買い物 Consult with us first when you want;

Window cleaning, yard sweeping, weeding, pot polishing, waxing, kitchen fan and stove cleaning, bathroom mildew cleaning,
vacuuming requires furniture moving, ironing of big materials

■Travel expense ------------------ Actual expense

*All fees include tax and include accident and indemnity insurance

Service Hours and Fees
 (9:00〜17:00)national holidays
out of time
Notices and requests
Notes and requests
All customers are requested to be informed that;
1. we do not accept services which we consider dangerous.
2. our staff cannot provide housekeeping and babysitting services at the same time,
not for our sake but for your children's safety. Two services are provided on different times.
3. all damages on your side attributed by our services (damages we are liable)
will be covered by our accident and indemnity insurance.
4. our staff do not deal with your cash (money transmitting, application includes payment, etc.)
5. our staff do not handle your valuables.
6. our staff will bring own food for lunch, and their lunch break will be very short
and included in the service time.

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Feel free to call us today for further information!

From mobile phone: 0422-37-1312

Website Map

 ■SERVICE:[ After-birth support ] [ Babysitting ] [ Housekeeping ]  [ Elderly support

 ■COMPANY:[ Mamy Tokyo ] [ Offer of employment

 ■INFORMATION:[ FAQ ] [ Inquiry form/Website policy

COPYRIGHT(C)2008 ベビーシッター 西東京市 小金井市 国分寺市 国立市 立川市 八王子市 調布市 府中市 日野市 中野区 三鷹市 /株式会社 ナチュラル ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.